Sunday, March 11, 2007

Has ASOS done a Ratner?

A wikipedia definition “Doing a Ratner is a British business phrase referring to a chief executive or a senior person of a company who criticises the company's products or disparages the customers, frequently with disastrous results for both the person and the company.”

It seems has a major competitor of ours has indeed “Done A Ratner” check out what was said in NewMediaAge

"Next year we'll reintroduce affiliate marketing but as it should be, as opposed to affiliates as they were," said Nick Robertson, ASOS CEO. "[There'll be] no silly commissions being paid to grubby little people in grubby studios growing income at our expense, getting in the way of genuine sales."

Now we hardly want to sit here and gloat at this latest blunder but one has to question a company that can call people that are making them money (when you consider that affiliate marketing in most cases only pays out once a sale has been made) “grubby little people” I just have one question that I’m sure was in Ratner’s customers minds all those years ago WHAT DO THEY THINK OF THEIR CUSTOMERS? I’ll leave you with that one.

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